Introducing Oliver

3/30/2011 08:48:00 AM Posted In , , Edit This 26 Comments »
I'm back from Nashville and I'm feeling great!  I got a tad hammered by the pollen when I got there and so was a bit under the weather, but all is well now and I'm getting back in the saddle again.  I had a great time playing with our soon-to-be-3 grandson.  He's so much fun and gets more interesting every day.  Our new baby is just the best!  He's good-natured,  happy,  and becomes more and more engaged with the world every day.  What pure joy grandchildren are.

I did this sketch of the baby after I got home.  I find children (especially babies) very difficult to do.   I'm not really sure why they present such a challenge to me, but there you are.   That said, it's so entertaining to just watch their little faces as they assume every possible  human expression in the course of just a few minutes.  It's as though they're practicing doing them without the slightest idea of which face goes with which emotion.   I could watch for hours!  This drawing was done from a photo I took while holding him on my lap.  We stared at each other intently, and I can't help but wonder what he was thinking as we looked into each other's eyes.  I know what I was thinking .... "I love you to pieces my dear, sweet, little Oliver" .......


3/10/2011 09:17:00 PM Edit This 28 Comments »
I wanted to let you all know that we have a new grandbaby!  His name is Oliver Lennon, he weighed 8lbs, 13 oz, and he's 20 inches tall.  He was born on Feb. 28, and he's doing just fine, as is his mother and father.  His brother, Clyde, who will be 3, is just thrilled with him!  They live in Nashville, we live in Michigan, so we haven't seen him yet, but we're flying down there soon, and I'll be spending a week with them!  I can hardly wait!!

In the meantime, here's a sketch I did of Clyde when he was born.  It's not terrific, but it's what I have.  I gotta tell you, I'm Really Excited!!!  lol